Phase Composition and Parameters in Crystal Structure of Ceramic Composites based on ZrO2(MgO) – CaSiO3 System
Chatchai Duangsupa1, Kulkov S.N.2, Surat Wannasri3, Suwatchai Chaiyaphan4
1Dr. Chatchai Duangsupa, Assistant Professor, Industrial Design Department, Faculty of Architecture and Creative Arts, Rajamangala University of Technology Isan (RMUTI), Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand.
2Dr. Kulkov Sergei Nikolaevich, Professor & Head of the Department of Strength Theory and Design of the Physics and Engineering Faculty of the National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russian Federation.
3Dr. Surat Wannasri, Assistant Professor, Industrial Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Isan (RMUTI), Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand.
4Suwatchai Chaiyaphan, Assistant Professor, Industrial Design Department, Faculty of Architecture and Creative Arts, Rajamangala University of Technology Isan (RMUTI), Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand.
Manuscript received on 10 October 2024 | First Revised Manuscript received on 31 December 2024 | Second Revised Manuscript received on 09 January 2025 | Manuscript Accepted on 15 February 2025 | Manuscript published on 28 February 20255 | PP: 1-7 | Volume-13 Issue-3, February 2025 | Retrieval Number: 100.1/ijese.D0453064420 | DOI: 10.35940/ijese.D0453.13030225
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Abstract: The synthesis and characterization of ceramic composites based on the ZrO₂(MgO)–CaSiO₃ system were investigated, focusing on their phase composition, crystal structure, and lattice parameters. The results demonstrate that sintering temperature and increasing wollastonite content significantly influence the structural formation, complex phase composition, and phase transformations within the ZrO₂(MgO)–CaSiO₃ system. The phase composition of ZrO₂ and CaSiO₃ was analyzed across sintering temperatures ranging from 1000°C to 1650°C and wollastonite contents of 1–25 vol.%. The samples exhibited five distinct phases: tetragonal, cubic, and monoclinic phases of zirconium dioxide, along with monoclinic and triclinic phases of wollastonite. Notably, the interplanar spacings of the m-ZrO₂ and m-CaSiO₃ phases changed markedly within the 1200–1300°C sintering range. This is attributed to intensive interfacial interactions between zirconium dioxide and wollastonite, resulting in alterations to the structural state of the composites, phase composition, phase distribution, and lattice parameters of the zirconium dioxide and wollastonite phases.
Keywords: Phase Composition, Crystal Structure, Lattice Parameters, Ceramic Composite.
Scope of the Article: Civil Engineering and Applications