
Explore the Feasibility and Efficiency of Utilizing Plantaginaceae and Musaceae as Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC) as Fuel Source
Diwa James Enyia1, Archibong Eso Archibong2, Dane Osim-Asu3, Maria Kaka Etete Enoh4

1Diwa James Enyia, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Cross River State, Faculty of Engineering, Calabar (Cross River), Nigeria.

2Archibong Archibong Eso, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dubai United Arab Emirates.

3Osim-Asu Dane, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Cross River State, Faculty of Engineering, Calabar (Cross River), Nigeria.

4Maria Kaka Etete Enoh, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Cross River State, Faculty of Engineering, Calabar (Cross River), Nigeria.    

Manuscript received on 21 November 2024 | Revised Manuscript received on 13 December 2024 | Manuscript Accepted on 15 December 2024 | Manuscript published on 30 December 2024 | PP: 23-28 | Volume-13 Issue-1, December 2024 | Retrieval Number: 100.1/ijese.D458014040425 | DOI: 10.35940/ijese.D4580.13011224

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© The Authors. Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the CC-BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

Abstract: The conventional method of electricity generation, primarily relying on fossil fuels, have significant environmental and sustainability challenges. The widespread consumption of fossil fuels has led to the release of excess greenhouse gases (GHGs) and other toxic elements into the environment. Bioelectricity production using microbial fuel cell (MCFs) is an innovative and sustainable approach that harness the metabolic activities of microorganisms to generate electricity. This research encompasses the potential application of two species (plantain and cavendish banana) from the plant family plantaginaceae and musaceae, in microbial fuel cells (MFCs) for sustainable clean and green energy. Renewable energy Technology such as MFCs, have gained significant attention in recent years due to their potential to convert organic waste into electricity. The goal of this research is to explore the feasibility and efficiency of utilizing plantaginaceae and musaceae as a fuel source in MFCs. Three MFCs using Plantain sludge, Cavendish Banana sludge and SYSTEM 1 sludge as organic substrate for the anodic chambers were setup. The parameters considered were (A) substrate weight, (B) Time and (C) Temperature. Regression models were developed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) to predict the influence of study process factors A, B, and C, on current and voltage which are the Response (output). The actual values for current and voltage for the three MFC’s were 68.4 µA and 81.9mV, 80.223 µA and 90.6mV, and, 73.65 µA and 90.67mV for Plantain, Banana and SYSTEM 1 Sludges respectively. The results show the values of the optimization for the currents and voltage of the three MFC’s to be 67.7605 µA and 92.6117mV, 107.893 µA and 109.447mV, and, 73.4518 µA and 199.454mV using plantain sludge, banana sludge and SYSTEM 1 sludge.

Keywords: Bioelectricity, Microbial fuel cell, Microorganisms, Musaceae, Plantaginaceae, Renewables.
Scope of the Article: Bio-Science & Bio-Technology