
Shapes Applicable in Design of Contemporary Vehicles: Differences in Emotional Impact and Applications
Trayan Ganev Stamov

Stamov Trayan Ganev, Department of Machine Elements and Non-Metallic Constructions, Technical University of Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria.
Manuscript received on June 09, 2015. | Revised Manuscript received on June 11, 2015. | Manuscript published on June 25, 2015. | PP:38-42 | Volume-3 Issue-8, June 2015. | Retrieval Number: H1001063815

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Abstract: In this study, a connection is considered between vehicles shapes and emotions. Some investigations are presented in order to apply the methods and techniques of measuring the emotional power of selected shapes and specify the reasons of differences in emotional reactions elicited by one and the same shape. The obtained results can support designers in manipulating the emotional impact of the contemporary vehicles, and they are applicable in training of new designers.
Keywords: Emotional impact of shapes of contemporary vehicles, differences, training of new designers.