
Conversion of Solar Energy into Electric Energy
Anurag Sharma

Anurag Sharma, M.Tech (Machine Design), Member (American Society of Mechanical Engineers), Associate Member of the Institution of Engineers (India) Working as Workshop Instructor in G B Pant Polytechnic (Govt. of NCT of Delhi) Okhla, Phase -III. New Delhi- 110020, India.
Manuscript received on June 20, 2015. | Revised Manuscript received on June 23, 2015. | Manuscript published on June 25, 2015. | PP:20-21 | Volume-3 Issue-8, June 2015. | Retrieval Number: H1005063815

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Abstract: Energy is used in our daily life in one or another way. Without energy our life is nothing. Energy sources can be broadly classified as conventional or non-conventional sources/ Non-Renewable or Renewable energy. Conventional sources of energy or non-renewable sources are going to be exhausted and become nil in coming future. Whereas the renewable sources of energy are abundant in quantity and will always present. The idea is to make changes in selecting the source of energy so, that we become eco-friendly and prevent ourself in going towards the dark & grim end of conventional sources of energy.
Keywords: Renewable energy, solar photo voltaic modules, solar voltaic cells, rechargeable batteries